Server Management
- Importing an Existing Config
- Using Beacon with Ark Single Player
- Updating Your Nitrado Server
- Updating Your Server With FTP
- Updating Your Server Manually
- Ark Config File Reference
- The Difference Between Deploy and Export
Core Features
- Using Config Sets
- Using Presets to Automate Item Set Creation
- Adding Unsupported Engrams, Creatures, Loot Drops, or Spawn Points to Beacon
- Preset Selectors Guide
Config Editors
- Breeding Multipliers
- Crafting Costs
- Creature Adjustments
- Creature Spawns
- Custom Config
- Day and Night Cycle
- Decay and Spoil
- Engram Control
- Harvest Rates
- Item Stat Limits
- Levels and XP
- Loot Drops
- Stack Sizes
- Stat Multipliers
User Accounts
- Create or Recover Your Account
- Sign Into Beacon
- Activating Beacon Omni
- Sharing Beacon Documents with Other Users
- About User Privacy
- Item Quality Is Different Than Expected
- Loot Drops Are Not Working As Intended
- How to Stop Using the Custom Config Editor
- Solving Connection Problems to Beacon or Nitrado
- Beacon System Status
For Developers
Item Stat Limits
Ark allows server admins to define maximum values for the game's 8 item stats, which will apply to all items, no matter how or when they were obtained.
This setting requires setting the
command line option to True. Beacon will do this for Nitrado and servers automatically. Users with other hosts will need to refer to their control panel to enable the option.
By default, no stats are limited. To limit a stat, check the checkbox next to it. Values can be entered into the field to the right of the stat OR using the column in the list below. For example, if you wanted to limit Damage to 200%, check the checkbox next to Damage, then enter 200 into the Damage column next to either Longneck Rifle or Assault Rifle. The field next to Damage will compute the correct value to use. If you wanted to limit Damage to that of official servers, use the value 19800 in the field next to Damage. The list will show 298% next to both Longneck Rifle and Assault Rifle.
It is not practical for Beacon to compute the effective limits for every item, so Beacon displays a few items to demonstrate the effects. The Raptor Saddle is used for demonstrating basic saddle armor, and the Doedicurus Saddle demonstrates "tank" saddle armor. Longneck Rifle and Assault Rifle share the same damage values, but they have different durability values.
Warning: Setting a stat maximum will permanently affect all items in the game. For example, a 400% damage Longneck blueprint will become a 300% damage Longneck blueprint if the damage stat is limited to 300%. Removing or increasing the limit will not restore the blueprint to its original damage.