Valentine Fish
By Zenion#cfff120e


You can edit the loot you get from the Valentine Fish by putting loot in both of the loot sources I made.
Valentine Fish Loot 1 and Valentine Fish Loot 2 will be the loot guaranteed of the valentine fish.Keep in mind that the fish is not stable as in the better the fishing rod quality the higher the quantity and quality of the loot is. There is always a chance of getting duplicates even if you select prevent duplicates. Fishing net seems to be pulling its loot from both of the regular fishing net loot sources. This file is only for editing the loot you get with a fishing rod not the loot you get with a fishing net.
Special thanks to Normanbatez for giving me the code to test this out.


Map: The Island

Platforms: PC

Contains Configs: Loot Drops


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