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Found 155 projects
Name | Downloads | Updated | Revision |
Thom's Ragnarok Sources This is the set of loot sources that I use on my personal PvE server. Almost certainly not balanced for PvP. Updated: Oct 11th, 2017 4:58 PM UTC | 16,057 | 12 | |
Rag Drops White Cloth armor simple tools White ring Asc Cloth Asc simple tools Green asc Saddles Green ring Platform saddles Blue Kibble Blue ring Kibble Purple Flak asc armor metal tools Purple ring riot asc industrial items Yellow Weapons asc ammo Yellow ring metal building supplies Red metal bilding supplies Red ring Tek Building supplies Cave and desert drops 10-30 ekement Tek items Beaver dams 500 cementpaste 100 silica pearls 100 rare flowers Mushrooms Updated: Jan 29th, 2019 8:08 PM UTC | 10,863 | 2 | |
The Best Drops - Tek Buildings - Tek Gear - Tek Weapons - Saddles - Resources - Element - Riot Gear The Best Drops - Tek Buildings - Tek Gear - Tek Weapons - Saddles - Resources - Element - Riot Gear - Ammo - Industrial Buildings PSN: Chief_Murloc_ PM psn for public server x1000 Instant Tames - Rudemmon Updated: Oct 5th, 2018 9:32 AM UTC | 9,095 | 1 | |
normanbatez's PVE Valguero Valguero drop based off my Ragnarok and Aberration drops. For changes see Updated: Nov 10th, 2020 3:41 PM UTC | 8,578 | 7 | |
Dos I took a lot of time to do a killer job on all maps drops boosted dope like. hope you enjoy. Happy420 Updated: Nov 26th, 2018 6:04 PM UTC | 8,554 | 8 | |
Eric's Island/Center/Ragnarok Beacons For private server. Distributed loot for Island/Center/Ragnarok with evenly distributed loot across all beacons. Updated: May 5th, 2019 6:07 AM UTC | 7,823 | 9 | |
Ragnarok BALANCED DROPS Not OP, actually balanced drops. Best for 20x Servers PS4: AscensionArk20xORP Updated: Jun 27th, 2018 10:34 PM UTC | 7,364 | 1 | |
fiber craft x1000 fiber all items cost fiber. consumables not included. Updated: Mar 15th, 2019 2:29 PM UTC | 6,391 | 2 | |
The Island Defaults Default loot table extracted from the dev kit. Updated: Apr 5th, 2018 1:16 PM UTC | 6,141 | 2 | |
Boosted Server Drops Not too boosted drops Updated: Jun 16th, 2018 3:39 AM UTC | 5,816 | 1 | |
(BB) Bigfoot Island Loot Drops V3 This is the loot table I use for my cluster. Maps on my cluster include Aberation/Extinction/Fjordur/Rag/Scorched Earth/The Center/The Island/Valguero. This document modifies all air drops, cave drops, underwater drops, alpha drops, boss drops, beaver dams and earthquakes. I am currently working on adding saddle blue prints to creature drops, and will update as I test more. The scale of all items range from primitive to perfected, giving a very wide range of item bases to be found, with a 15% chance for everything that can be a blueprint to become a blueprint. All in all the drops are boosted a bit, but not to over powered for our cluster. Updated: Oct 30th, 2020 4:02 PM UTC | 4,962 | 11 | |
Bush Berry Currency dino drop table This is for the triggered army xbox servers for our currecy, Im just starting with it will upload the completed version soon Updated: Dec 1st, 2018 12:25 PM UTC | 4,910 | 1 | |
Default Loot Tables - All Maps Extracted from DevKit v278.0 - Primitive Quality Updated: Apr 24th, 2018 3:18 PM UTC | 4,630 | 2 | |
Boosted island drops ( from kibble drop to Building and weap drops ) This is a custom lootdrop setting from basic stuff like chem benches and fabris to red drop with crazy Rocketlauncher BPs and more.. just try it ! Updated: Sep 12th, 2018 4:19 PM UTC | 4,615 | 1 | |
normanbatez's PVE Ragnarok Loot sources based on a PVE ragnarok server. Edits all loot crates, element drops from bosses, and alphas. view for changes Updated: Apr 8th, 2021 5:39 PM UTC | 4,522 | 14 | |
ASA Drop Tables (WIP) As near as i could get to ASA Drop Tables (This is a WIP) Overworld drops are complete, Cave Drops are Blank (For Now) you may need to tweak BP rate and weights but the breakdown is done. Updated: Dec 13th, 2023 6:06 PM UTC | 3,861 | 40 | |
Primal Fear - Island/Center/Ragnarok Drops modified for use with Pikkon's Primal Fear mods. Updated: Sep 19th, 2018 7:14 PM UTC | 3,847 | 4 | |
DA3K MAP-Rag-PVP-Solo/Duos 10xRaising 10xHarvesting 5xTaming Modded Drops Extended Days/Shorten Nights 3xStacking Max Level Dino 200 Offline Protection ON Structure Collection OFF DINOS Extra Dinos(Gen/Abb/Ext/Val) 1xDino XP Extra Stats Per Level PLAYER 10xXP Extra engrams Spawn with 300hp 200stam 1000weight Updated: Jun 10th, 2021 10:44 PM UTC | 3,777 | 25 | |
normanbatez's PVE Crystal Isles PVE drops for crystal isles map Contains all loot drops and alphas. Dino inventories partially complete. for questions Updated: Jun 14th, 2020 9:29 PM UTC | 3,643 | 2 | |
51X Boosted ARK Custom drops for 51X boosted server. Updated: Sep 29th, 2018 9:03 AM UTC | 3,581 | 3 | |
Frozen Dinos Boosted PVE loot drops. White - Building, Tools, Ammo. Green - Armor & small saddles. Blue - Kibble & Player consumables. Purple - Building, Ammo, Med. Armor. Red - tek, armor, ascendant weapons & tools Updated: Mar 26th, 2018 11:57 PM UTC | 3,351 | 1 | |
Official Drops -Boosted- Modified Loot drops Following exact items from official with custom rates. Updated: Mar 23rd, 2021 4:10 PM UTC | 3,135 | 2 | |
Original Alpha drops with BBS added Updated: Aug 31st, 2022 3:54 PM UTC | 3,130 | 5 | |
RAG with RARE RED JACKPOT Check out this rag drops...extreme rare jackpot in red box Updated: Jan 1st, 2018 8:38 PM UTC | 3,116 | 1 | |
Good Ragnarok Drops Good drops for Ragnarok (Now finished, no it wasn't) (By the same developer as the unfinished one, still) Updated: Apr 5th, 2018 12:03 AM UTC | 2,798 | 3 |
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