Loot Drop Corrupted Paraceratherium, Corrupted Reaper King, and Enraged Corrupted Triceratops
This loot drop is considered experimental. Some data on this page, such as the spawn code, may not be accurate.
Mod | |
Beacon UUID | 29c5cba9-664a-5320-b274-18f81c5317ec |
Tags | |
Path | /Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/ItemLootSets/DinoDropInventoryComponent_Corrupted_Huge.DinoDropInventoryComponent_Corrupted_Huge |
Class | DinoDropInventoryComponent_Corrupted_Huge_C |
Map Availability | The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, The Center, and Astraeos |
Multipliers | 1.000000 - 1.000000 |
Spawn Code |