Ark: Survival Ascended Engrams List
This is the master list of all objects in Ark: Survival Ascended that Beacon knows about.
Results 551 to 600 of 2,593
Name | Mod | Class |
Cooked Fish Meat Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_Fish_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_Fish_C |
Cooked Lamb Chop Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemConsumable_CookedLambChop_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemConsumable_CookedLambChop_C |
Cooked Meat Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_C |
Cooked Meat Jerky Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_Jerky_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_Jerky_C |
Cooked Meat Jerky (Pyromane) Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_Jerky_FireLionCraftable_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemConsumable_CookedMeat_Jerky_FireLionCraftable_C |
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemConsumable_CookedPrimeMeat_Fish_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemConsumable_CookedPrimeMeat_Fish_C |
Cooked Prime Meat Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemConsumable_CookedPrimeMeat_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemConsumable_CookedPrimeMeat_C |
Cooking Pot Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemStructure_CookingPot_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemStructure_CookingPot_C |
Cornflower Coloring Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemDye_Azure_6_Cornflower_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemDye_Azure_6_Cornflower_C |
Corrupted Avatar Boots Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatartBoots_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatartBoots_C |
Corrupted Avatar Gloves Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarGloves_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarGloves_C |
Corrupted Avatar Helmet Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarHelmet_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarHelmet_C |
Corrupted Avatar Pants Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarPants_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarPants_C |
Corrupted Avatar Shirt Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarShirt_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarShirt_C |
Corrupted Boots Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedBoots_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedBoots_C |
Corrupted Chestpiece Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedShirt_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedShirt_C |
Corrupted Gloves Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedGloves_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedGloves_C |
Corrupted Helmet Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedHelmet_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedHelmet_C |
Corrupted Nodule Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemResource_CorruptedPolymer_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemResource_CorruptedPolymer_C |
Corrupted Pants Skin Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedPants_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedPants_C |
Corrupted Wood Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemResource_CorruptedWood_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemResource_CorruptedWood_C |
Corrupt Heart Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart_C |
Cotton Candy Coloring Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemDye_Magenta_6_CottonCandy_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemDye_Magenta_6_CottonCandy_C |
Craft BattleRig Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItem_CraftCar_C | Ark Official | PrimalItem_CraftCar_C |
Craggy-Dew Coloring Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemDye_Misc_5_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemDye_Misc_5_C |
Cream Coloring Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemDye_Brown_9_Cream_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemDye_Brown_9_Cream_C |
Creature Management Tool Mod: Creature Management Tool (Cull Dino/Dinos, Breed, Cryo etc.)Class: PrimalItem_CreatureManagementTool_C | Creature Management Tool (Cull Dino/Dinos, Breed, Cryo etc.) | PrimalItem_CreatureManagementTool_C |
Crimson Crystal Mod: Draconic Chronicles (Wyverns and more) (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_CrimsonCrystal_C | Draconic Chronicles (Wyverns and more) (Crossplay) | PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_CrimsonCrystal_C |
Crocosaurus Helmet Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemSkin_CrocosaurusHat_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemSkin_CrocosaurusHat_C |
Crossbow Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItem_WeaponCrossbow_C | Ark Official | PrimalItem_WeaponCrossbow_C |
Cryofridge Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemStructure_CryoFridge_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemStructure_CryoFridge_C |
Cryo Rifle Mod: Configurable CryopodsClass: PrimalItem_CryoRifle_C | Configurable Cryopods | PrimalItem_CryoRifle_C |
Crystal Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemResource_Crystal_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemResource_Crystal_C |
Crystal Coloring Mod: Ark OfficialClass: PrimalItemDye_Cyan_7_Crystal_C | Ark Official | PrimalItemDye_Cyan_7_Crystal_C |
Crystal Cracker Mod: Discovery WorldClass: PrimalItemStructure_CrystalCracker_C | Discovery World | PrimalItemStructure_CrystalCracker_C |
CS Adobe Behemoth Gate Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_AdobeGateDoor_Large_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_AdobeGateDoor_Large_CS_C |
CS Adobe Ceiling & Hatchframe Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_AdobeCeiling_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_AdobeCeiling_CS_C |
CS Adobe Doors & Windows Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_AdobeDoor_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_AdobeDoor_CS_C |
CS Adobe Gate Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_AdobeGate_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_AdobeGate_CS_C |
CS Adobe Quarter & Triangle Ceiling Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_TriCeiling_Adobe_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_TriCeiling_Adobe_CS_C |
CS Air Conditioner Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_AirConditioner_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_AirConditioner_CS_C |
CS Ammo Box Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_AmmoBox_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_AmmoBox_CS_C |
CS Auto Crafter Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItem_AutoCrafter_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItem_AutoCrafter_CS_C |
CS Auto Turret Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_TurretAuto_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_TurretAuto_CS_C |
CS Ballista Turret Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_TurretBallista_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_TurretBallista_CS_C |
CS Beer Barrel Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_BeerBarrel_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_BeerBarrel_CS_C |
CS Blueprint Maker Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintMaker_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_BlueprintMaker_CS_C |
CS Bunk Bed Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_ModernBed_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_ModernBed_CS_C |
CS Campfire Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_Campfire_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_Campfire_CS_C |
CS Chemistry Bench Mod: Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)Class: PrimalItemStructure_ChemBench_CS_C | Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay) | PrimalItemStructure_ChemBench_CS_C |